Joint Health and Safety Committee
JHSC Certification Part 1
All firms with 20 or more employees require a Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) comprised of...
JHSC Certification Part 2 - General
Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, at least one worker member and one management member...
JHSC Certification Part 2: Mining
Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, at least one worker member and one management member...
Comité mixte sur la santé et la sécurité
Comité mixte sur la santé et la sécurité - Formation à l'agrément: partie 1
Toutes les entreprises comptant 20 employés ou plus doivent créer un CMSS dont les membres ont reçu...
Comité mixte sur la santé et la sécurité - Formation à l’agrément : partie 2
Afin de recevoir l’agrément du CMSS, cette deuxième partie de la formation doit être effectuée. Le...
Comité mixte sur la santé et la sécurité au travail - Formation à l'agrément : Cours de mise à niveau
Toutes les entreprises comptant 20 employés ou plus doivent créer un CMSS dont les membres ont reçu...
Mining Supervisor Common Core
Act & Mining Regulations
This course will familiarize participants with the format and contents of the Occupational Health...
Ground Control: Underground Mining
This course presents an overview of ground control issues and techniques in underground mines...
Incident Investigation: Mining
This course will introduce the participants to the investigation process and provide participants...
In-person course recommendations
OHS Act And Industrial Regulations
The purpose of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations half-day course is to teach...
Duly Diligent Mining Supervisor
This course has been developed to help familiarize participants with the important topic of Due...
Introduction To Professional Cable Skidding: Full Course
The Introduction of Professional Cable Skidding (IPCS) course is intended for cable skidding...
Virtual course recommendations
JHSC Certification Part 1
All firms with 20 or more employees require a Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) comprised of...
JHSC Certification Refresher
Certified members of a joint health and safety committee (JHSC) are required to take Refresher...
JHSC Certification Part 2 - General
Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, at least one worker member and one management member...
e-Learning course recommendations
Health and Safety Representative Basic Training
This one-day E-learning program is provided in a tracked version which ensures each participant will...
Safe Driving on Forest Roads
Delivery Method: This course is delivered as an online E-learning course, designed to help you learn...
Mechanical Harvesting/Forestry Pit & Road Construction Equipment Operator Common Core
This course is delivered as an online E-learning course, designed to help you learn at your own pace...