Risk Management

Planned series of activities to make your workplace safer

The Risk Management process is a planned series of activities to make things safer at work. It includes:

  1. Finding hazards: Look for things that could be dangerous, like checking the workplace for hazards or reviewing reports about problems.
  2. Figuring out the risk: Decide how risky each hazard is by thinking about how likely it is and how bad it could be. This helps determine which dangers are most important to fix first.
  3. Making things safer: Put safety measures in place to lower the overall risk. This usually involves reducing how often people are exposed to the danger or how much harm it could cause.
  4. Checking if safety measures work: After putting safety measures in place, check if they actually make things safer. If not, find something else that works better.

View latest mining industry risk management research

View latest forest products industry risk management research

Download and share these free resources

Assessing Risk in Mining Operations Information Sheet

Risk Management Overview and Gap Assessment Tool (Overview of legislation, requirements, and best practices, plus fillable PDF checklist)

Mining Sector Risk Assessments-Root Cause Analyses Research on Top Sector Risks

Consult with Specialist (risk management process, workshop facilitation, development of in-house skills)

To meet mining legal requirements and best practices, next steps are:

  1. Review the Assessing Risk in Mining Operations information sheet
  2. Review the Risk Management Overview and Gap Assessment Tool resource document
    a.  Review overview of legislation, requirements, and best practices
    b.  Complete Gap Assessment Tool Fillable PDF
  3. Address all identified legislative gaps (refer to Ministry Guideline if needed)
  4. Address all other identified gaps related to Ministry guidelines

Related videos

Risk Assessment: No Time Like Now

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Mining webinar: Interaction with mobile equipment top health and safety risk for mines in Ontario

Mining webinar: Worker contact with motor vehicles top health and safety risk for mining operations

Related training

Risk Assessment

Related articles

Workplace Safety North introduces new risk assessment toolkit

External resources

Risk assessment and management for mines and mining plants – Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development