Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are the most common injury in virtually all sectors of Ontario workplaces, from office buildings to forestry and mining operations. MSDs are injuries and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. They may be caused or aggravated by various hazards or risk factors in the workplace. Repetitive actions over long periods and over-exertion are two common risk factors for MSDs.
Download and share these free resources
Ergonomics Webinar: Improve your Workstation with New Office Ergonomics Tool
MSD Prevention Guideline for Ontario
Industrial Webinar: Inspection Blitz on MSDs and Respiratory Hazards
Mining webinar: Inspection Blitz on MSDs and respiratory hazards
Musculoskeletal Disorders Safety Talk (Mining)
Related videos
Erase the Hazard – Musculoskeletal Disorders
VIDEO: Napo in “Lighten the Load”