Respectful Workplace: Violence and Harassment Prevention

Changes to Ontario's Occupational Health and Safety Act have created employer responsibilities for addressing violence, harassment (including sexual harassment) and incidents of domestic violence in the workplace.

The revised Act requires employers to develop policies for the prevention of violence and harassment, and to review those policies at least annually. Employers must also set up reporting and incident investigation procedures, as well as a process to deal with incidents, complaints and threats of violence.

This half-day training provides participants with all the necessary knowledge and tools to comply with every aspect of the new legislated requirements, including the 2016 amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and to establish effective violence and harassment prevention policies in their workplace.

The program explains the definitions of violence and harassment in the Act, including sexual harassment, and reviews the various factors that need to be considered when assessing and controlling the risk of violence and harassment in the workplace.

Intended Audience:

The course is designed for members and prospective members of JHSCs, supervisors and other interested workers and members of management.

1/2 day
Material(s) included with this course
  • Participant Manual