On April 27, 2023 Workplace Safety North (WSN), Infrastructure Health and Safety Association (IHSA), and the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (Ministry) hosted a mining webinar, “How to prepare for Ontario inspection campaign of Mining Common Core Modular Training.”
From Apr. 1, 2023, to Mar. 31, 2024, the Ministry will be conducting a health and safety inspection campaign of the Mining Common Core Modular Training program in Ontario. The campaign focuses on worker training in Mines and Mining Plants.
Ministry inspectors will check that employers are maintaining the modular training requirements outlined in Section 11 to 11.3 of Regulation 854: Mines and Mining Plants. This is to ensure mine workers and supervisors are trained and accredited in the specific common core training modules needed to safely perform their job.
YouTube video: How to prepare for Ontario inspection campaign of Mining Common Core Modular Training https://youtu.be/4APJRwBEUcw
Discussion topics
Overview and rationale
Sectors, workplace, and inspection areas of focus
Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations
Resource information
Regulations for Mines and Mining Plants – MLITSD
Webinar: Roles and Responsibilities for Training Signing Authorities - WSN
Mandatory Skills Training - Mining Common Core
Mandatory Skills Training - Forestry Common Core