COVID-19 Conversations: Leadership in Times of Uncertainty - Feed Your Brain Lunch and Learn Series

Webinar presentations
Mental Health
New and Young Workers
Forest Products
Mine Rescue

Skills that make a difference

On June 24, 2020, Workplace Safety North hosted a webinar, “COVID-19 Conversations: Leadership in Times of Uncertainty,” as part of the free monthly Feed Your Brain lunch and learn webinar series to discuss the most pressing issues we are all facing.   The webinar features Nadine Trodel, Health and Safety Specialist at Workplace Safety North, and lead of the WSN Leadership+ program that equips current and aspiring leaders with critical knowledge and skills to help their organization succeed.   The webinar is hosted by Angele Poitras, Community Engagement Specialist and Certified Psychological Health and Safety Advisor, Workplace Safety North.  

YouTube video: COVID-19 Conversations: Leadership in Times of Uncertainty

Discussion topics

  • How to lead in a crisis

  • The power of observation to quickly learn and adapt to a new environment

  • Skills that make a difference to influence, enable, and inspire

  • How to engage the workforce from the frontline to the executive suite



COVID-19 Public Resources – Public Health Ontario 

May 21 COVID-19 Conversations: Adapting to the New Normal – Workplace Safety North 


Climate Assessment and Audit Tool (CAAT): Measuring workplace health and safety culture and systems – Workplace Safety North  

Mental health and wellness: 

Workplace Mental Health Resources – Workplace Safety North 

COVID-19 and Mental Health @ Work – Government of Canada  

COVID-19 Resources – Mental Health Commission of Canada  

The Mental Health Meter – Canadian Mental Health Association  

What’s Your Stress Index – Canadian Mental Health Association  

Work Life Balance Quiz – Canadian Mental Health Association  

Wellness Together e-mental health supports and access to virtual counselling services to everyone in Canada – Government of Canada 

Anti-racism resources from Ontario Human Rights Commission: 

Call it Out: Racism, Racial Discrimination and Human - e-learning awareness training  

Ontario Human Rights Code