Working safely with propane

Legislation requires re-certification every three years

Working Safely with Propane - occupational health and safety training information sheet

Safe propane handling

During the winter operating season, it’s especially important to ensure workers are appropriately trained in how to work safely with propane. This legislated training requirement is recognized by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) and must be renewed every three years.

The half-day training covers necessary information and practice for workers to safely connect, disconnect and activate propane torches, appliances and heaters with an approved rating under 400,000 BTU. 

A significant portion of the program involves practical, hands-on training. Workers review hazards specific to propane gas, and receive instruction on the procedures necessary to work safely with it. 

Upon successful completion of training, participants will receive a certificate indicating they meet the requirements set by the TSSA; certification expires after three years, at which time refresher training is required.

In order to participate in training, participants must bring CSA-certified hard hat and safety boots; and wear long sleeves and long pants. Cost is $80 per person and special group rates are also available.

10-min. video: Safe Propane Handling