Training tree planters to beat the hazards

E-learning program for tree planters

This fully updated e-learning program provides dynamic and interactive pre-employment training for rookie tree planters. The program is also of value to more experienced planters who may not have had access to such a comprehensive overview of the hazards and necessary controls to do the work safely and productively.

Focused, relevant, realistic content from subject matter experts is a key feature of Planters get the real goods on tree planting and they come better prepared to face the realities of the job. For employers, this means better retention of planters and less time supervisors have to spend on health and safety training on-site.

The entire course takes about 3.5 hours to complete, including 25 minutes of high-impact video content. The course covers all the key areas of tree planting work and life, including:

  • The physical side of tree planting

  • Working smarter, not harder

  • Animals and other natural hazards

  • Travel and driving safely

  • Emergency tactics and other useful info is mobile-friendly. Participants can log into the course from anywhere with an Internet connection, and managers can access administrative features from their preferred device. Upon successful completion of the quizzes in all modules, a certificate will be issued confirming successful completion of the training.

Also available is a reference app – so planters can get health and safety information where they are planting, no cell signal required. The app can be downloaded from Google Play or the App Store onto devices and accessed any time – regardless of location.


View safe planting video trailer
